Common Applications of Information Technology in Various Fields

Common Applications of Information Technology in Various Fields

Common Applications of Information Technology in Various Fields

Information technology is now playing a vital role in the lives of peoples. It has revolutionized, the way one used to live. Now, it has made its mark on every facet of the world. One cannot, now imagine a world without computers, without Information Technology. Every field of human activity, may it be his daily life, official life, everything is now influenced under the cover of Information Technology. It made things happen really wonderful. It gave a virtual world itself, where there are no barriers for communication, information sharing, idea sharing etc. The flowing section deals with some of the most Common Applications of Information Technology, which we can see in our lives.

IT in Business and Industry

The Business Process is Under the IT revolution, which is transforming the way we do the business The way basic business operations like decision making, customer service, operations, marketing strategies, Financial Management, Human resource management etc are done are being reformed with use of Information Technology. Most of our current day business operations are dependent on the information technology either partially or entirely. The information technology has now become a part and parcel of the everyday business life. The basic reasons for the use of IT in Business are as follows:

i.                     Efficient  business operations

ii.                   Better managerial decision making

iii.                  Gaining competitive advantage

iv.                 Solving business problems

v.                   Globalization of business

vi.                 Spontaneous activity

vii.                Office automation

viii.              Communication and Collaboration

ix.                 Electronic commerce

x.                   Interactive marketing etc

 The widespread acceptance of Internet has created revolution in the business world as it paved way for better, effective communications and collaboration, leading to better business globally.

Apart from helping to carry on the business, it helps industry with the tools like CAD< CAM etc, which can be used for designing the components, using sophisticated and tested engineering rules. The Information technology is now leading offices to work in a paperless environment, which is very fast easy, faster and better managed then the Traditional Business ways.

IT in Education and Training

The field education and training is now witnessing a revolution, which was never expected. In recent years, the use of computer as educational tool has become more and more popular. Now computers are assisting Educators in imparting training to the students.

The use of information technology in field of Education and training has developed various applications like CBTs, WBTs etc, which are used for giving training to the students. The following can be taken as general applications of IT Education and Training:

i.                     Computer based training (CBTs)

ii.                   Web based training (WBTs)

iii.                  Virtual Class rooms

iv.                 Video conferencing

v.                   Examinations

vi.                 Knowledge base etc

Using Information Technology, one can impart training to the students miles part, this helps to share the knowledge of expert educators, where ever they are in the world, one need not attend the actual class, but acquire knowledge through a virtual classroom. One can even take tests, sitting at home and the evaluation, ranking etc. is immediate.

One can provide huge knowledge base libraries, which students can access and use in the process of education, Use of IT in field of education, has not demeaned the Role of A Teacher, but further strengthened it, by providing him with tools, which enhance his efficiency and effectiveness.

IT in Science and Technology

IT plays a key Role in Science and Technology sector, as it has changed each and every field of science, right from research and development, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Medicine, Genetics etc. which require huge amount of data and calculation, which are aided by the IT, so that the time involved it reduced, as well as the costs come down. Most of the results of scientific inventions are tested using a simulated environment by the computer, which reduces the chances of errors and eliminates the wastage of resources.

IT has influenced every field of science, where the things were thought to be very difficult is now one of the simplest processes with use of IT. We can take examples of space technology, nuclear research, Engineering, Aircraft designing, etc. is made very simple with use of IT.

IT and Entertainment

Entertainment is part and parcel of one’s life. People look forward to the entertainment for recreation, so that they can reduce their stress and strains of their complex machine like schedules. All our Traditional Entertainment utilities like music, movies, sports, games etc. are now affected by IT, one can have all these services, sitting at home and enjoying themselves.

The entertainment industry is looking towards a giant leap with the IT as its partner. New movies are developed using computer graphics, animation etc. which resemble real life events, thus reducing cost as well as time involved in the making of these movies.

Thus IT can be taken as a crucial element now in entertainment industry, with more and more multimedia content being planned and built, virtual reality etc. are the most happening field of IT now.

IT and Health Industry

Apart from helping in the administration of hospitals, IT is playing a key role in the health industry.

One the medical care, it IT has varied applications right from the diagnosis, where there are latest tools like CT scans, MRI Scans, Ultrasound, Sonography etc, which use IT as their basis for diagnosis of ailments. Most of the ICU’s (Intensive Care Units) are now using computers to monitors the progress and Condition of The Patients, undergoing treatments.

Apart from this, with help of IT, expert opinions from doctors away from the place can be sought with help of IT tools like video conferencing etc.

Apart from this IT can be used in the analysis and research on various potential medicines/drugs to be used in medical treatments.

Meteorology/Weather Forecasting

We have already come across various instances, in which lives of thousands of people were saved due to prediction of cyclones quite in advance, giving time for safeguarding one self. This saving lives and property.

This could not have been achieved without use of IT. The weather is studied throughout the globe with the help of various weather stations on land as well as through satellites. The data generated is processed, analyzed and projected using computer system, which are directly connected to satellites, thereby giving a chance for forewarning of probable calamities.


The communication has the field which was subjected to maximum change, the internet, automation of reservations, the c ontrol of air traffic, rail traffic. Most of the air traffic control and rail traffic controls (signals) are computerized, so to reduce or eliminate errors, as well accurate and proper monitoring of these operations is achieved.

Remote Sensing

These types of applications are on rise in the modern world, where we were using Satellites For Remote Sensing, that is identifying/locating the things which we need, which are on the surface, beneath or surrounding the earth. The most commonly used applications in this area are location of mineral resources. Mines or gold, diamond etc., water table location, sensing of nuclear deposits etc. we use highly sophisticated software to map and design the reports of this remote sensing.

It is one of the best tools for planning activity as it helps us to quickly arrive at projections, trends, analysis of past data etc. which aid in the planning process, we can even simulate and project the efforts of implementation of various plans which we have arrive at . This helps us to get the feel of future effects to a great extent much before implementation wherein we can get the best of the plan.

Multilingual Applications

Language as it facilitates communications is also one of the Major Barriers of Communication, with such a diversity of its nature. If we are able to level down these barriers then the information can be communicated much freely and easily. This is now being done by the use of IT through multiannual applications, which help a user to use the information in his own language. This can be easily understood by the concept being used in TV industry where a movie is telecasted understood by the concept being used in TV industry where a movie is telecasted is multi languages and using a decoder one can switch to the language of his choice at the reception level, thereby helping people in communicating using multi languages.

The IT has almost affected the whole of the world. It has shrunk the world to the size of pin head, now world can be apply termed as “Global Village”.

Every nook and corner of the world can communicate with any part of the world, share information, take part in research, use the best possible technology, do global business etc. with the help of connectivity provided by the Information Technology. Now, even the hazardous jobs are automated, with the help of computers, reducing any hazards to the human life.

This IT had really left no field of life untouched. It is revolution in itself. It has created an “inforshpere” to live in.  

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