Role of Education in Human Life – Need of Girl Education & Status of Girl Education

Role of Education in Human Life - Need of Girl Education & Status of Girl Education

Role of Education in Human Life

Education of a box is education of one person but education of a girl is the education of entire family”. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

Education play very useful role in development of human being because it increase the knowledge of person help them to know about their fundamental rights and duties, encourage them to fight for these rights. Education is a continuous and dynamic process. It is concerned with ever growing man in an ever growing Society. Education is a pre requisite and an indispensable tool for the progress and the development of the human being and thus it imparts a mandatory role in the development of the country. Education assists an individual to be smarter, to learn new things and to know about the facts across the globe.

Education is considered vital element in the development of a Society, it is important to understand the need for good quality education in rural areas, as it helps Keep rural areas populated. People move to urban areas for better opportunities in education and employment, improved rural education. Problem of girl education in rural areas depend women status. Girl’s face many problems in rural areas like neglected and ignored. Gender -Discrimination, etc. So the importance of education cannot be neglected in reference of girl’s empowerment.

Their right to freedom and benefit from resources. Education is one to the most important means of empowering women with the knowledge, skill and sell – confidence necessary to participate fully in the development Process. Education is the most powerful weapon with which you can change the world.

The growth of women education in India in rural areas is very slow. It mean that still large women flak at our country are ill, the weak, backward and exploited, it is not because the girls are not interested in getting higher education, but are faced some serious problems like poverty. Sibling cares a household chores etc. But things are being changed slowly but gradually. Government of India has launched various programs for the upliftment of women in rural areas.

Women constitute the half of the population of the world. So, we cannot even think about the development of the Country without the proper education of women. Women education is indispensable in any to country’s development. Swami Vivekananda has rightly said, ” Educate your Women First and leave them to themselves, then they will tell you what reform are needed. “Education system of nation is the key of its prosperity and welfare.

The aim of the foundation is the to empower to Women and girl all marginalized groups through sustainable initiatives in the field of education, which will enable them to be economically and socially secure. Women empowerment refers to the ability for women to enjoy.

Women education in India has also been a major preoccupation of both the government and civil society as educated. Women can play a very important sale in the development of the country. Education is mileston of women empowerment because it enables them to respond to the Challenges, to Comfort their traditional role and change their life. India is poised to becoming superpower, a developed Country by 2020. The growth of women education in rural areas is very slow.

Education of women is the most powerful tool of change in Society. Education also boings a reduction in inequalities and functions as a mean of improving their status within the family. The development of human being and thus it imparts a mandatory role in development of country.

Need of Girl’s Education – Role of Education in Human Life

India is one of the most populated Countries. However, the rate of girl education is quite low in the country. It is quite troubling to see the figures in a country where women are given the status of goddesses. The education of women is of great importance in our social life. She can train a Child’s mind and keep him away from undeniable company and wrong nations. The role of women outside home is becoming an important aspect of the country. The science and technology have brought a complete revolution in thought and attitude of human being.

It is felt that Indian women hone to come forward and play a great role in the Development of Scientific Thinking and disposition in solving the problem of life. The women with their proper and up to late Scientific Knowledge and attitude can teach their children the art of healthy living. In ancient India, time are changing, People’s thinking is also changing. They with to educate their girl’s and see them succeed in life. However, this is not the case in rural India which makes for more than 60% of population. We need to identify the factors responsible for such low sates of girl’s education to find some solution. This creates a distance problem as they are located far from the villages.

Women empowerment can only be achieved through the provision of adequate and functional education to the women folk. The need of women education is also informed by the fact that purposeful occupational achievement and satisfaction is ensured by deep self-awareness and understanding which can only be achieved through the provision of effective and functional education.

Status of Girl’s Education in Rural Areas –

Role of Education in Human Life

India is now a leading country in the field of women education. Women education in India has also been a major Concern of both the government and civil society as educated women of the Country. In India, the status of girl’s education has been a subject of much discussion, Controversy and debate. The urban female literacy rate is 64% percent and rural women literacy rate is half of its 31% percent. India as a whole, many states have large rural urban differences in female literacy. Lack of education also has a negative effect on their children’s growing physically and mentally both ways.

The main problems faced by girls in rural areas is that they must be enrolled in the school in the beginning of the year but they aren’t able to make it till the end, they are forced to marry or told you aren’t development for education rather help their mothers with household. Low level of literacy in rural areas not only has a negative impact on women’s lives but also on their families and country’s economies development. Importance of girl education vital part of a living being whether it is a box or a girl education assists an individual to be smarter to learn, new I thing and to know about the fact across the globe.

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