Convert Litre into millilitre online study on my study level, we offers for kids learn topic for their classes online, its very easy method to learn conversion for small children.
Conversion Method For Class Third
The standard unit of measuring capacity of liquid is litre. However, smaller quantity of liquids is measures in Millilitres. You can write L for litre and ml for millilitres .
Main Formula: 1 Litre = 1000 mililitres (ml)

Convert Litre into Millilitre Online
How to Convert Litre into Millilitre Online
1. 7 L
1 L = 1000 ml
= 7 x 1000 ml
= 7000 ml
How to Convert Millilitre into Litre
2. 5239 ml
{convert this in round figure}
= 5000 ml + 239 ml
{convert this in litre : use main formula}
= (5000 + 1000) litre + 239 ml
= 5 litre + 239 ml
Ans: 2539 ml = 5 litre 239 ml
Learn Conversion Method to Solve Litre into Mili Litre
1. 9 litre = ….ml 2. 6 litre = ………
3. 3540 ml = ………. litre 4. 7412 ml = ……….litre
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