Definition of trade union have emerged as a main feature of industries in every country. The main reason for their emergence is the factory system and capitalistic the early stages of industrialization, there was lack of legal protection for workers. They joined hand to protect their interests through collective action. A trade union is an organized expression of the needs, attitudes and expectations of the workers. To an average person, a trade union signifies an organization of workers engaged in securing certain economic benefits for its members. In the modern context, however, activities of trade union are not confined to mars securing the economic benefits. The purview of activities now include even the political and welfare activities.
definition of trade union
Definition of Trade Union
The Trade Union has many facets-economic, social, and political. It strives to save, maintain and improve economic, social interests of members. important definitions of a trade union are downward:
According to V.V Girl, ” Trade union is a voluntary organization of workers formed to promote and protect their interests by collective action.”
definition of trade union
Objectives of Trade Union
To be specific, the trade union generally pursues the following objectives:
1. Employee Compensation: This item relates to the policy matter of the enterprise. However, big differences must arise in the process of their implementation. In the case of unorganized sector, trade unions play a crucial role in bargaining the pay scales.
2. Working Conditions. Trade union aim to improve working conditions by securing shorter working hours, better leave facilities, adequate social security, better housing and education and other welfare benefits.
3. Rationalization of Personnel policies. The economic security of an employee is determined not only by the level of waged and duration of his employment but also by the management’s policies in respect of recruitment by selection, promotions, transfers, training etc
definition of trade union
4. Recognition and participation. The unions try to secure for workers a say the management and industrial democracy there by bringing about a new social order.
5. Gaining Legislative Enactments. To provide legal sanctions to its demands, the union attempt to get these framed in the form of acts so that they become permanent features of the contract between the employers and the workers. For this purpose, the unions may take recourse to political action in terms of supporting some political party or forming their own political party.
6. Miscellaneous Service. Modern trade unions also engage in providing educational, medical and other facilities for the development and welfare of their members, if they have sufficient fund at their disposal.
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